Engels jaar 1
Onderdeel van mijn "taalleesdossier" is een serie opdrachten voor het onderdeel Engels.
Diagnostic intake test Hogeschooltaal English
You will take the Hogeschooltaaltoets Engels to determine your level (B2). The test will cover your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. A screen shot of the result of this test will go into your portfolio.
Please find below both the certificate, and a screenshot of htaal.nl, showing my 90+% result.
Also, fill out the SLO VVTO-Quickscan Leerkrachtcompetenties Engels and add to your portfolio, including your comments on competencies you expect to acquire or work on during your studies at APO.
Views on teaching English at primary level (LOTS: find and categorize)
Fill out the grid (available on Blackboard), in which you categorize and compare the role of English as a subject in your work placement school according to SLO. Study Kennisbases en profilering: Leraar Basisonderwijs, chapter Kennisbasis Engels and reflect on how English contributes to the overall core objectives in primary school.
Curriculum, learner’s needs, and children’s books (HOTS & LOTS: analyze, read, and categorize)
Read 3 English (picture) books suitable for primary school children.
Book 1: suitable for years 1/2
Book 2: suitable for years 3/4/5
Book 3: suitable for years 6/7/8
Analyze existing lesson (plans) or units from the coursebooks used at your placement school and design an infographic on the English curriculum and its learning trajectories. In addition, you will use your books of choice to indicate their suitability for these learner groups, bearing in mind the use of vocabulary, sentence length, rhyme etc.
Teaching activities (HOTS: create)
Create and teach three (3) short activities using CLT and gather feedback from your coach and two fellow students. Use one book from assignment 3 that is suitable for your class for one of these activities. Other activities may include songs, video, information gaps, TPR etc. Reflect on the feedback – how would you change your activity next time?
Activity 1:
During my time at the toddlers (Dutch grade 1/2), I was given the opportunity to do an English activity with some toddlers to teach them hospital terms in English. To start, I showed them a YouTube video (see link below) and let them listen to the terms. I repeated the words mentioned in the video, and then we all repeated them together. The children were very enthusiastic, and even during the rest of the day, they would occasionally mention the English phrases, even while playing doctor. My coach, Jozé, was also very excited about the progress we made.
Feedback by peers:
Activity 2:
Later, I repeated activity number one, having learned from last time and having put thought into what could be done better - after having a reflection with my coach Jozé. I used a different YouTube video to teach the children more hospital terms in English. Instead of having them sit at their places, I encouraged them to stand up and act out the terms that were being said. I noticed that this approach was more engaging and effective for the children, as they were better able to remember the words when they were actively involved in the exercise. By the end of the activity, the children were able to confidently use the new terms in their play and conversations. It was a rewarding experience to see how much progress they made in just a short amount of time.
Feedback by peers:
Activity 3:
Elevator Pitch (HOTS: reflect)
Make a recording in which you very shortly explain (max. 2 minutes):
• How you approached one of the three activities
• How this is in accordance with the SLO core objectives of EIBO, VEIBO, VVTO
• Share the experience of teaching the activity.